
At Providence, we combine state-of-the-art medical technology with our expertise in surgical arthroplasty to provide the best in joint replacement procedures. Patients who suffer from joint pain and are looking to take a step toward a more active lifestyle should explore MAKOplasty. Whether due to a fracture, fatigue, or arthritis, if joint pain is keeping you from accomplishing daily tasks, consider joint replacement surgery at Providence.

MAKOplasty® is an innovative treatment option for adults who suffer from joint pain. With MAKO, we’re able use the most advanced robotics-assisted surgical techniques for procedures used to treat osteonecrosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and degenerating or deteriorating joints.

Mako technology includes three-dimensional presurgical planning. During surgery, the surgeon gets real-time visual, tactile and auditory feedback to better help with resurfacing the joint and positioning the implant. It is this optimal placement that can result in a more natural-feeling joint following surgery.

MAKOplasty enables our orthopedic surgeons to perform minimally invasive partial knee resurfacing and total hip replacement using advanced robotic-arm assistance. The innovative technology allows for consistent, reproducible surgical precision and improved outcomes for those who suffer from joint pain.

Mako for Knees

  • Help surgeons precisely resurface only the arthritic portion of the knee
  • Minimally invasive procedures, resulting in shorter hospital stays, less scarring and better outcomes
  • A smoother-feeling joint, thanks to precise technology and less impact on the healthy parts of your knee

Mako for Hips

  • Pinpoint accuracy and a faster recovery, because of how the technology prepares the joint and implant
  • A more natural-feeling joint and a better ability to maintain your correct leg length
  • A longer-lasting implant, due to a decreased risk of abnormal wear on the joint

MAKOplasty offers the best possible outcomes for joint procedures. Some benefits include:

  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Smaller incisions
  • Less scarring
  • Faster recovery
  • Better outcomes
  • Fewer complications