WAMT Community Care Alliance | Providence
Leading the way toward value-based care.

Community Care Alliance with Providence is working to improve health care for residents of Washington and Montana.

Community Care Alliance with Providence

We are a physician-led network of providers focused on transforming care for our patients – collaborating to improve outcomes and quality metrics while addressing the rising costs of care.

Community Care Alliance with Providence formed in 2022 as a high-performing network – a physician-led organization committed to improving patient care through value-based practices.

A Providence Partner

At Providence, we are committed to health for a better world. It’s in support of this Vision that we sponsor Community Care Alliance with Providence – a high-performing network led and governed by local providers to serve the health care needs of our communities.

In partnership with our Providence hospitals, Community Care Alliance with Providence provides distinct advantages to the network’s providers, including collaboration on existing quality measures and demonstrated value to payers and community members familiar with the hospital.

What is value-based care?

Value-based care serves as an alternative to traditional fee-for-service reimbursement models and is a response to both federal health care reform and the needs of employers to reduce what they spend on health care benefits. Value-based care programs are:

  • Based on quality rather than quantity.
  • Centered on patient outcomes and specific quality metrics.
  • Focused on appropriate utilization and cost management.
  • Quickly becoming the standard for delivering care.

Christina Girardi, Director of Community Care Alliance with Providence

CCAP Board Members
  • HPN President
    Scott Anders, MD
  • Regional Chief Physician Executive
    Mark Wakai
  • Everett MHPN
    Tomasz Ziedalski, MD – Western Washington Medical Group
  • Everett MHPN
    Dr. Lisa Ivanjack – Providence physician
  • Kadlec MHPN
    Michael Benedict, MD – Three Rivers Family Medicine
  • Kadlec MHPN
    Rich Meadows, MD – Providence physician
  • Montana MHPN
    Dirk Gottman, MD – Western Montana Clinic
  • Montana MHPN
    James McKay, MD – Providence physician
  • Spokane MHPN
    Jason Reuter MD – Spokane Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Spokane MHPN
    Cara Beatty, MD – Providence physician
  • Olympia/Centralia MHPN
    Joe Huang, MD – Physicians of Southwest Washington
  • Olympia/Centralia MHPN
    Zach Rafeh, MD – Providence physician
  • Seattle Metropolitan (AKA Swedish/PacMed) MHPN
    Dr. John Pryor – Proliance Surgeons
  • Seattle Metropolitan (AKA Swedish/PacMed) MHPN
    Dr. Alison Ziari – Providence Swedish physician
  • Walla Walla MHPN
    Mark Haugen, MD – Walla Walla Clinic
  • Walla Walla MHPN
    Tim Davidson, MD – Providence physician