Step eight: Recovery

Progress during this phase of treatment may seem slow. Keep in mind that the long-term recovery phase may take months to a year or more. You may feel frustrated because you want to get well rapidly and put this experience behind you. Everyone feels some fatigue and many patients feel depressed during this period.

Community support groups and other transplant recipients are good sources of support. You may ask your nurse or doctor for names of transplant recipients who are willing to talk with you about their transplant experience.

Despite feeling fatigued, it is important to stay as active as possible. You will need to identify which activities are most important for you. (In other words, pace yourself). Low impact exercise such as walking may help you regain your energy level. Please remember that all patients will have some fatigue. This may persist for several months after transplant.

Your doctor or nurse will let you know when tests (blood tests, X-rays, scans) will be done to measure the effects of the high-dose therapy and the results of the transplant. The transplant team will monitor you closely after your treatment.