
Providence Lactation and Post-Partum Clinic Everett

7669.8 miles away

Providence Lactation and Post-Partum Clinic Everett

Newborn care

For families who have need a newborn check in the first 24-48 hours of life and cannot schedule an appointment with their pediatric provider, the Post-Partum clinic offers minimal newborn assessments and testing. Our Certified Lactation Nurses can check your babies weight to ensure they are getting adequate feedings. We also offer testing for jaundice. Blood lab draws can be schedule to ensure your newborn is healthy and does not require further intervention. 

Frenotomy for tongue-tie (ankyloglossia)

Tongue-tie  is a condition that the frenulum attaches to the tip of the tongue and may be tight, thick or short. Tongue tie’s can cause poor breastfeeding as well as nipple pain. The clinic offers Frenotomy services performed by Seattle Children’s Pediatricians. When corrected the newborn tongue has better movement and allow for successful breastfeeding and less nipple pain.

We support all feeding preferences and are here to help. Our experienced, board-certified lactation nurses are here to help you establish and promote exclusive breastfeeding, adequate milk supply and to identify and correct any issues or barriers to breastfeed your baby successfully. Our lactation consultants are here to support you after you go home.

There is an alternative to baby formula that is far more nutritious: milk from a human milk bank. A donor milk bank is a service established to collect, screen, process and distribute donated human milk. Donor milk banks accept milk from lactating mothers who have undergone careful screening, similar to the way blood banks screen donors. The milk is donated to a central milk bank for processing, then is made available for purchase by hospitals and individuals for feeding sick and fragile infants.

Consider donating your extra milk to help sick and fragile infants, It›s a life-saving gift and the Human Milk Depot at Providence Regional can help send your milk where it is needed most.

Circle® by Providence

Free Pregnancy and Parenting App

Circle® is a free pregnancy and parenting app that provides useful health resources, top-notch pregnancy calculator and tools to help track ovulation, weight, blood pressure, and vaccinations. Enjoy easy access to program information, services and classes, too! Plus, when you connect to MyChart through Circle, you'll receive appointment reminders for you and your children. Learn more about the Circle app.

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