Kids Pedal


Bridge Pedal Kids Pedal Badge Image
A free three mile ride especially for young cyclists over the Hawthorne and Steel bridges.
Bridges crossed
(in order)
Hawthorne and Steel
Distance 3 miles
Start SW Naito Pkwy. and Morrison
Start time  10:15 a.m.
Finish SW Naito Pkwy. and Ash
Cost Free
Notes Ages 13 and up are welcome if they are accompanied by a youth/child. Both children and adults must register.

Turn-by-Turn Instructions

Start: SW Naito Pkwy. at Salmon, southbound
Left on ramp to Hawthorne Bridge

Hawthorne Bridge
Exit left on SE Water St. ramp at the east end of the Hawthorne Bridge
Right on SE Water St.
Right on SE Clay
Enter Eastbank Esplanade northbound

Steel Bridge (Esplanade walkway)
Left on NW Naito Pkwy.

Finish: SW Naito and Ash