Physical therapy can improve bladder control, reduce fall risks

Falls Prevention News


  • Urinary incontinence increases the risk of falling for aging adults. 
  • Physical therapy can improve bladder issues without medication or surgery.  
  • Treatments may include strengthening the bladder and pelvic muscles, retraining urinary habits, and avoiding certain food and drinks.  

Frequent urination can contribute to your risk of falling. Fortunately, physical therapists can treat the cause of your bladder issues and help improve them without surgery or prescription medication.  


Falls for older adults are serious — causing fractures, broken bones, and organ damage. People experiencing urinary incontinence may rush to the bathroom which increases their risk of falling. Those suffering from urinary incontinence may also avoid social activities for fear of embarrassment.  

You may have a bladder problem if you experience: 

  • Involuntary loss of urine. 
  • Strong urges to urinate more frequently than every two hours. 
  • Wetting the bed during sleep. 
  • Leaking urination during sexual activity. 


A physical therapist can create a personalized treatment plan, which may include ways to retrain your bladder (Yes, you can train the bladder!) and strengthen the pelvic muscles to help you hold your urine.  

A physical therapist may also look at your diet for foods and drinks that may irritate your bladder such as coffee, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and spicy foods. However, don’t stop drinking water. Dehydration can irritate the bladder and increase frequent urination.


Don’t let your bladder control your quality of life and keep you from the activities you love. Providence Swedish’s physical therapy programincludes highly specialized professionals and assistants who will take the time to learn about your personal physical needs.Find a physical therapist close to you.