Patient sitting at MRI machine with clinicians

Kadlec Outpatient Imaging Center

7590.1 miles away
Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Kadlec Outpatient Imaging Center

Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Kadlec’s Outpatient Imaging Center includes some of the most advanced imaging technologies available. We have an all-digital format that provides physicians with imaging results quickly to diagnose and treat patients fast.

Our services include:

  • CT (computed tomography) scanner
  • DEXA, for bone density scans
  • Digital radiology
  • GE’s CT/PET (positron emission tomography) scanner, to diagnose cancer
  • 2D and 3D mammography, for breast cancer
  • Mammography (by appointment)
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound (by appointment)
  • X-rays (Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., walk-ins welcome)

All women over 40 years old should get an annual mammogram to prevent breast cancer. Early detection is the key to saving lives. Kadlec is the only American College of Radiology (ACR) accredited Breast Imaging Center of Excellence in our area. We are accredited in:

  • Mammography
  • Stereotactic biopsy
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
  • Breast MRI
  • MRI Breast Biopsies

Kadlec offers 3D Tomosynthesis Digital Mammography which is the most advanced technology for breast cancer screening. The radiologist can see the whole breast in three dimensions. It increases the detection of invasive breast cancer by up to 40% compared to 2D mammography. 3D Digital mammography also decreases the chance of being called back for second look imaging. 2D mammography is still available upon request.

If you don't have insurance, or are not able to afford a mammogram, you may qualify for the Kadlec Foundation Mammogram Assistance program. Call to find out more. 


Our center now offers the Prevention4ME risk assessment, an innovative and personalized early detection and genetic evaluation program.

Understanding your risk

Inherited genetic changes can increase a woman's risk for developing breast and other types of cancer. Up to 10% of all cancers, in fact, are linked to inherited genetic mutations, but 90% of women are unaware of their risk — even though they may benefit from additional screening.

For example, nearly half of women ages 40 and over have dense breasts, which is often inherited. Having dense breasts makes mammograms harder to read and cancer harder to detect.

At Kadlec Advanced Breast Care, we know knowledge is power and early detection saves lives. This is why we help you proactively manage your cancer risk with a simple online assessment tool that lets you know how likely you are to develop breast cancer during your lifetime. The tool also assesses your breast density and eligibility for genetic testing to determine your risk for inherited cancers.

Prevention4ME risk assessment

The online Prevention4ME assessment is easy to fill out and includes questions about personal and family health history that help calculate your potential cancer risk. If you schedule your mammogram at Kadlec Advanced Breast Care, you'll automatically receive an invitation to take the test.

Prevention4ME can measure your:

  • Risk of developing breast cancer over the course of your lifetime, based on the Tyrer-Cuzick (TC) model.
  • Eligibility for genetic testing for inherited cancers, based on genetic/familial high-risk criteria established by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).

Once we receive your results, we’ll discuss them and potential next steps with you, including your options for ongoing care that’s tailored to you.

If you qualify for genetic testing, you’ll not only be offered onsite testing, you’ll also have the option of being admitted into our high-risk breast cancer program, which offers additional screenings including breast MRI.

Send questions or concerns to:

Kadlec offers a lung screening program with a low-dose CT scan, which is the most effective method of detecting early cancer. Patients must meet National Comprehensive Cancer Network screening criteria and physician referral is required.

  • High Risk Category 1: Age 55-77, equal to or greater than 30 packs per year smoking history and quit less than 15 years ago or currently smoking
  • High Risk Category 2: Age 55-77, equal to or greater than 20 pack per year smoking history, occupation exposure to arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, coal smoke, diesel fumes, nickel, silica /or soot.

Learn more and find out if you are high risk for lung cancer.