Bereavement Services | Hospice | Providence

Bereavement Services

Grief is a natural response when a significant person in our life dies. Each of us experiences grief in our own unique way. Sometimes grief is accompanied by intense, painful emotions that may be confusing and that may cause distress. Over time, the intensity of these uncomfortable emotions does ease and soften. Providence Hospice offers bereavement support to individuals and families grieving the death of a loved one.

All of our services are offered free of charge and include:

  • Grief support groups
  • Individual and family grief counseling - Bereavement social workers provide short-term individual and family counseling to children, teens and adults who are grieving the death of a loved one who died while receiving hospice care.
  • Telephone bereavement support and referrals - Bereavement social workers and specially-trained bereavement volunteers support grieving individuals over the telephone. Information about bereavement resources in the community as well as referrals to local grief counselors are also available.

Community Care seminars are offered at no charge to faith communities, outreach ministries, senior centers, civic organizations and community groups. They are held at a time and place that’s convenient for the organization. Facilitated by trained hospice staff who have had experience dealing with seriously ill and grieving individuals, the workshops offer simple and effective tools to help people turn their compassion into action.

When someone is sick or suffering, feeling self-conscious about what to say or how to respond often prevents us from giving the support that friends or loved ones need most. This two-hour workshop emphasizes the role that listening and being a loving presence play in the healing process. It includes common-sense ideas for what to say and how to help.

Sometimes people think they need to help a grieving person “get over” the heartache or find the magic words that will take the pain away. This two-hour workshop outlines the nature of the grief process and offers guidelines for how to help each person grieve in his or her own way.

The responsibilities that come with caring for a loved one who is chronically ill, disabled or dying can be very demanding. This two-hour workshop provides practical suggestions for those who want to lend a hand to the caregiving family but who may be afraid of getting involved or of being asked to do something they don’t know how to do.

For many who have lost a loved one, the holiday season can intensify feelings of sadness and isolation. This one-hour seminar offers useful tips for celebrating holidays as well as other special occasions. It includes suggestions for creating memorials and rituals to honor a loved one. In addition to being available throughout the year for interested groups, the presentation is regularly scheduled at Providence locations during November. For a current schedule, call us or visit us here. Registration is appreciated due to limited class size.

All too often, people face medical situations they never could have anticipated. Sometimes loved ones must step in and make difficult decisions when those people are unable to speak for themselves. Sadly these types of decisions are rarely talked about before medical situations arise. A loved one can be left feeling burdened by the magnitude of these decisions. This two-hour workshop offers suggestions on how to approach sensitive conversations about end-of-life care before a crisis occurs.

This one-hour presentation is designed specifically for the recently bereaved. It offers suggestions on how to cope during the weeks and months following the death of a loved one. It includes information on additional resources available in the community. It’s offered free of charge on a regular basis at Providence locations. For a current schedule, call us or visit us here. Registration is appreciated due to limited class size.