Swing Bed Rehabilitation Program

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Swing Bed Rehabilitation Program

The Swing Bed Rehabilitation Program at Providence Seaside Hospital provides compassionate, specialized care close to home for patients recovering from an illness, stroke or surgery who no longer require acute hospital care, but are not yet ready to go home.

As part of our skilled nursing care, we help patients regain the mobility and strength they need to return home and independently manage the activities of daily life, such as bathing and dressing.

We welcome patients from hospitals that may not offer similar transitional care. We accept physician referrals, and we work closely with the discharging hospital to ensure a safe transition to our program.

We care for patients with a broad range of complex conditions. Our team includes:

  • Physicians, including cardiologists, orthopedists and more
  • Skilled nurses
  • Physical, speech and occupational therapists
  • Radiologists
  • Laboratory clinicians
  • Pharmacists

The expert clinicians on your care team work with you to create a treatment plan that’s tailored to your health and lifestyle needs. We care for you in a nurturing, home-like setting that welcomes participation from your family and loved ones.

Our goal is to help you heal and regain the mobility and skills you need to return home. This journey is different for every patient, so we offer a broad range of rehabilitation services, including:

  • Care after cardiac, neurologic, orthopedic and abdominal surgery
  • Post-stroke treatment, rehabilitation and support
  • Bedside rounds that engage both you and your loved ones to encourage a better understanding of your care plan
  • Wound care with special attention to healing
  • Intravenous (IV) antibiotics to treat a variety of infections
  • Physical, occupational and speech therapy

Medicare and other insurance plans cover skilled nursing and therapy services, but they may have different requirements. Our team works closely with you to understand your individual insurance benefits.

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