Outpatient Nutrition Services

7801.0 miles away
855-360-5456 (Scheduling)
855-360-5456 (Scheduling)

Outpatient Nutrition Services

Our Approach

Outpatient Nutrition Services offers you information and support to eat in a way that aligns with your goals and nutritional needs. Our staff of Registered Dietitians are experienced in nutrition counseling for people of all ages.

Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is provided by Providence’s registered dietitian nutritionists (RDN) who are state licensed. RDN’s counsel individuals on behavioral and lifestyle changes related to improving their nutrition. MNT visits include discussion with the RDN to develop a plan and set goals that meet the individual’s needs.

Meet the Team

At Providence, you'll have access to a vast network of dedicated and compassionate providers who offer personalized care by focusing on treatment, prevention and health education.