Gentle C-Section

We understand every birthing experience is unique, so we provide options for your specific delivery needs. For births that require surgical delivery, we offer gentle C-sections – combining the common surgical procedure with the participation and bonding characteristic of a natural birth.

A gentle C-section is a standard surgical procedure like any other C-section: the surgeon delivers your baby through incisions in your abdomen and uterus. The difference lies in our approach toward the surgery as a whole. 

Our gentle C procedure gives you the opportunity to be as involved in the birthing process as possible while ensuring the health and well-being of you and your baby. 

We use a clear surgical drape during the procedure that allows parents to watch the baby being born. Mother and baby are able to experience skin-to-skin contact immediately after delivery and begin breast feeding during recovery. 

An additional feature is the ability to play music during the procedure, creating a customized experience for the you, your partner and your baby.

Our surgical delivery operating room is fully equipped with state-of-the-art birthing technology, as well as on-hand obstetric physicians available at all times. This is to ensure the health and safety of you and your baby in case of an obstetric emergency. 

A dedicated obstetric anesthesiologist is available to manage all pain during the surgery and provide emergency anesthesia should the need arise. 

After the delivery, mothers are able to walk as soon as the effects of the epidural wear off. Typically, mother and baby are able to go home within two days if desired, as compared to four days for normal surgical delivery.

The gentle C-section is still a major surgical procedure with risks for you and your baby. Mothers can potentially suffer from infection, postpartum hemorrhage and blood clots, as well as surgical complications that include reactions to the anesthesia and surgical injury. The C-section also carries risks for your baby that include breathing problems and surgical injury.