
Providence Swedish North offers free STOP THE BLEED® training
Providence Swedish North is offering free STOP THE BLEED® training at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett.

Providence Mission in action: Caregivers help 1,600 students at back-to-school fair
Providence Swedish North Puget Sound is working to reduce widespread educational disparities among Snohomish County residents.

2024 Hood to Coast Relay: Providence team captains tell us why they run
What motivates the co-captains of the FINISHCANCER caregiver team to commit their time to running this remarkable relay? Read what they say about preparing for the race and what inspires them to run.

Home is where the healing starts
The Guest House, purchased in part with $500,000 in community investment funding from Providence Alaska, can accommodate up to 126 individuals experiencing homelessness.
ViVE 2023: Healthcare exes skeptical price transparency mandates will lead to more affordable care
Dr. Eve Cunningham, Group Vice President Chief of Virtual Care and Digital Health at Providence, emphasizes the complexity of healthcare pricing.
Providing support for Black mothers beyond the traditional “healthy mom, healthy baby” approach
At Providence, we recognize the importance of providing holistic care and comprehensive prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum support for Black birthing parents and babies.
Sisters in Humboldt County live out the Providence mission
The sisters of St. Joseph continue to play an important role at Providence. Hear from Sister Tran about her work in Humboldt County, California.
Co-Caring uses virtual nurses to help caregivers and patients
Learn about Co-Caring at Providence and how adding virtual nurses to the team provides high-quality health care while increasing caregiver satisfaction.
Providence Milwaukie Community Teaching Kitchen: Nourishing Your Community
The Providence Milwaukie Community Teaching Kitchen transforms lives and strengthens its community.
Dr. Urba receives award for his contributions to science and community
Providence Cancer Institute of Oregon, and research director, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, Walter J. Urba, M.D., Ph.D., receives award for his contributions to science and community.
Community Health Worker Program supports people facing homelessness
The Community Health Worker Program at Providence aims to improve health equity. Find out how in this Washington success story.
Providing a longer runway for at-risk youth
Covenant House Alaska has helped more than 30,000 youth find a way forward. Providence’s support has helped CHA with one of its most ambitious initiatives yet: Bridge to Success.
Providence volunteer and cancer survivor offers patients hope and a smile
Cancer survivor Jeff Newell shares his experiences as a volunteer at Providence Cancer Institute and how he uses his own cancer journey to impart hope to others.
Shining a spotlight on health literacy and minority health
Providence is putting a spotlight on some ways to increase health literacy for people of all races and ethnicities this National Minority Health Month.
Celebrating a year of community engagement
Providence Cancer Institute highlights a year of engaging with and supporting our patients, partner organizations and community.
Family medicine building bridges
Hear from family medicine providers who are spreading their specialization and enhancing whole-person care delivery across the globe.
Global solidarity: Partnering to advance health strengthening
Providence responds to urgent workforce needs of today and tomorrow through clinical tele-mentorship, support for Family Medicine medical learners, exchange programs, and support for academic partners
Work2BeWell partnered with student and educational leaders on mental health webinar series for teens
The webinars cover topics including how to create an emotional first aid kit, have difficult conversations and respond to emotional crises.
Providence celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month
To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, we are featuring Gabriela Robles, chief executive of SJCPF and AVP of Community Partnerships.
Focus on POCUS: How Providence and Seed Global Health are partnering to expand the use of portable ultrasounds
In partnership with Seed and Kamuzu University of Health Services, Providence is working to expand the usage of portable, point-of-care ultrasounds (POCUS) at Mangochi District Hospital in Malawi.
Providence gives back to help prepare students and families for the new school year
Providence Community Health Investment teams gathered donations and hosted events to support families in their back-to-school preparations.
Talk2BeWell - Minority Mental Health live event featuring The Defensive Line
Watch this recent social media live event featuring The Defensive Line and Dr. Lauren Harper, Providence Oregon.
Reflections on National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Jawanza Hadley, director of Providence’s Work2BeWell program reflects on mental health and wellness
Reflections on Women's Equality Day: The Pressure of Being a Woman
Gabriela Robles, chief executive of SJCPF, reflects on her experiences as a woman and a Latina in honor of Women's Equality Day.
Hear Me Now: A doctor without borders
Providence is partnering with World Telehealth Initiative on a telementorship program in Nigeria and we heard from our partner and one of our volunteers.
The health benefits of volunteering: Doing good is good for you!
Volunteering has many health benefits. Dr. James Beckerman and Brittn Grey of Providence discuss how you can help others and get healthier, too.
Welcoming the new St. Joseph Community Partnership Fund board chair, Joe Lumarda
Learn more about SJCPF's new board chair, Joseph "Joe" Lumarda.
Reflections on the St. Joseph Community Partnership Fund board retreat
Gabriela Robles, president and chief executive of the SJCPF and AVP of Community Partnerships at Providence, shares about the Fund's recent board retreat.
Video: Custom-made scrubs help caregivers and refugees
In Seattle, a partnership between the Refugee Artisan Initiative and Providence Swedish has resulted in custom-made scrubs for Swedish caregivers.
Hear Me Now: "It's a special joy to see people thrive."
Listen as managers from Providence and Catholic Social Services’ RAIS program in Alaska reflect on their work to ease the way of refugees who resettle in that state.