Family with dog at living room

Providence Hospice Orange County South

7797.9 miles away
Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Providence Hospice Orange County South

Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Founded in 2002 by local health care professionals seeking to make a difference for the community, Hospice Orange County South was developed by a group of people who realized the value of home health and hospice care and wanted to offer a high quality experience for those experiencing life-limiting illnesses. Today, the original vision and mission remain the cornerstones of our work.

We are committed to serving those living with chronic or terminal illnesses, nearing the end of life or experiencing grief. We care for patients and help to guide their families as they provide care and make decisions. Hospice Orange County South is a private locally-owned company, offering comprehensive hospice and palliative care, caregiver education, individual and group counseling, spiritual support and many other programs to those it serves regardless of race, age, faith, diagnosis or financial circumstances.

Our goal is to help each person in our community maintain the best quality of life and live each day with meaning and purpose. Toward that goal, we continue to add new programs and services to meet the changing needs of our community.

Learn more about Sea Crest Home Health - Costa Mesa.

The focus of hospice is on caring, not curing, and in most cases care is provided in the patient’s home. Hospice may also be provided in nursing homes, assisted livings, board and cares, or where ever the patient calls home. Hospice services are available to all patients regardless of age, religion, race, illness or national origin. Hospice believes that no individual receiving services should feel isolated or alone and our presence will make a difference.

Our services
  • Regular visits by hospice nurses trained in pain and symptom management
  • Visits by a hospice aide to assist with personal care
  • Coordination of medications and equipment for comfort and symptom management
  • Psychosocial and spiritual support for patients, families and caregivers
  • Trained volunteers who can provide companionship, assistance, support
  • Bereavement support for the family and loved ones through the illness and for at least 12 months following the end of life
Other service offerings in Southern California
Make every day a good day for hospice patients

Hospice Orange County South is currently looking for compassionate volunteers over age 18 to help our hospice patients live each day to the fullest by providing companionship, assistance and support to our patients and their families. Offer a listening ear, read to them, create life reviews, share music and your hobbies and so much more. In addition, we are looking for Clerical Volunteers to help in our office. Call our hospice department, 800-850-2631, for more information or email Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer Sanchez at

Volunteers are a valuable part of the care that we provide. Our flexible program welcomes people from all over Orange County and from all walks of life to join the hospice team. Perfect for students, retirees, Veterans and others. We also are looking for those who speak Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese & Taiwanese), Korean, Vietnamese, or Farsi.

We have a place for you that will meet your busy schedule, location and specific strengths or interests.

Volunteers are interviewed, screened and receive comprehensive training, so you have the knowledge and skills you need to be confident and comfortable in your new role.

Positions are available for Patient Care, Bereavement and Office Volunteers and for Licensed & other Certified Professionals wanting to donate their time to our patients.

Learn more about our volunteer program


Our volunteers make such a difference in the lives of our patients
Volunteer Helen:

SJH Hospice patient“When I made the decision to become a hospice volunteer, I expected to interact with patients one hour a week. I thought of the experience as a beautiful way to impact my community. However, what I did not anticipate was how much the experience profoundly changed my life. When I first began volunteering in hospice, I had just turned 21 years old. It was the first semester of my senior year and I was ready to graduate college.

I needed to fulfill a credit requirement for school and a co-worker recommended me to the company. I chose to volunteer in patient care. I became friends with my first patient, M, very quickly. I found her softness of voice very comforting. She reminded me of my own grandmother. Although she suffered from a multitude of medical problems, she managed to smile, and she kept a faith about life that was infectious.

My one-hour-a-week commitment quickly turned into a 12-hour commitment. I was humbled by how much I did not know. I thought I knew it all. I thought life was about graduating, finding a job, getting settled down, and growing old. After befriending elderly patients of various age-groups, I quickly found that my dream of ‘success’ was largely dimmed by my lack of experience of the real world.

My friendship with M and several other hospice patients taught me that to live is to undergo the toil of pain. We can either choose to allow the pain to consume us or choose to live in the beauty of the life we were given.

I do not regret one moment of my time in hospice. It has impacted my life for the better and provided me with an openness of heart and of life. The experience felt like breathing for the first time. It provided me with perspective. I was just an able-bodied member of society, but a human soul searching for meaning and perspective.

I hope that this provides perspective for you. I hope you find the meaning you are looking for.”

Volunteer Pam:

“Being a hospice volunteer has been everything I hoped it would be. I will be forever grateful that you called me and left a voice mail that my patient M was near the end. It meant so much to me as I was still on a plane about to land in L.A. I hurried and made it to her side to be able to hold her hand at the end and be with her family.

When I decided to be a hospice volunteer, I never expected to get to know my patients so well that I would grow to love them and their families.

Thank you for accepting me into your hospice program and for seeing my heart and knowing how much this meant to me.”

If you like to learn more about our services offerings and discuss your options, please call 800-850-2631.