Providence Center for Environmental Stewardship

About the Center

At Providence, we are called to care wisely for our people, our resources, and our earth. Further, Sisters of Providence that preceded us asked to be a model of good stewardship, so that we may demonstrate faithfulness to our values and that others may learn sound stewardship practices from us.

The Providence Center for Environmental Stewardship is a virtual platform that serves as a central site to share many aspects of Providence’s Environmental Stewardship initiative. This includes the three pillars of our environmental stewardship initiative - WE ACT (mitigation), We REACH (adaptation & resilience), and We SHARE (advocacy & leadership).

Visitors can access our resources and documents on the Tools & Resources page. This resource library will grow and develop each quarter, and we invite interested health systems to use the resources and reach out to us learn more. In service of helping to advance decarbonization, resilience, and environmental justice in healthcare, we hope that sharing our learnings will help other health organizations to make progress in their own environmental stewardship goals.

We ACT infographic displaying waste, energy & water, agriculture & food, chemicals, and transportation
We REACH Infographic displaying resiliency, equity, adaptation, climate, and health
We SHARE Infographic displaying Service, Health, Advocacy, Relationships, and Education

Our Commitment

Providence's vision statement is Health for a Better World. Ensuring a stable climate and healthy planet is a crucial element of our envisioned world. At Providence we are doing all we can do reduce our carbon emissions in this decade, working toward carbon negative by 2030.

Yet, this bold commitment goes beyond addressing carbon emissions. We are committed to building equitable, climate resilience in the communities we serve, focusing on social and racial justice. Further, we aim to ensure we can serve consistently even through extreme weather events and the changes we see in our environment.

The current crisis calls for us to act boldly, with compassion. We are doing so by helping to care for our common home, ensuring equity today, and passing a healthy planet to the generations of tomorrow.

View Providence's Climate Action Plan  View Providence's Climate Resilience Plan

Rod Hochman, MD - President & CEO, Providence “We know the progress made across the globe in this decade will dictate the long-term health of our planet, which is why we are taking significant action now. We alone, however, cannot make enough meaningful progress. Large scale, systemic changes are urgently needed at the industry and individual level. We invite others to partner with us on our journey to become carbon negative, to share practices, innovate and accelerate this important work. Together, we can navigate this challenging but vitally important path for the health and well-being of all.”

– Rod Hochman, MD, President & CEO, Providence