Classes and Resources
Providence St. Joseph Medical Center sponsors and hosts many events throughout the year, including classes for new moms, conferences for health care professionals, special events, support groups and more.
Upcoming classes for new moms, conferences for health care professionals, and special events.
Baby Bunch
Join Providence St. Joseph Medical Center’s Baby Bunch to get your questions answered and learn from the experience of others. The Baby Bunch is B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Baby).
The Baby Bunch meets Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
Location: Polson Boys and Girls Club
Room: St. Joe’s Place
Please call for information at 406-883-5680.
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From our Blog

Mental health in the Black community
Explore the stigma around mental health in Black communities and find supportive resources and tools available to help. Learn more from Providence.

TeleHospitalists at Providence increase timeliness of care
TeleHospitalist providers offer fast and expert care at hospitals that lack or have limited on-site physician support.

Pink eye vs. allergies: What’s causing my symptoms?
Suffering from red, itchy and watery eyes? Learn how to tell the difference between pink eye and eye allergies.

TeleCritical Care ensures the best care, anytime, anywhere
TeleCritical Care at Providence collaborates with critical care teams at smaller local hospitals to provide specialized 24/7 monitoring and care.