Lab technicians discussing results


7330.0 miles away
406-883-8543 (Lab Draw Station Phone)
Fax: 406-883-8461
Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
406-883-8543 (Lab Draw Station Phone)
Fax: 406-883-8461
7330.0 miles away

The lab at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center offers a convenient location to get blood work and other lab tests ordered by your doctor. These tests can be crucial for monitoring your health and diagnosing certain health problems.

St. Joseph Laboratory operates to promote safety and quality as well as providing accurate results. Highly trained Pathologists oversee our lab; experienced Lab Aides draw your blood and Clinical Laboratory Scientists and Laboratory Technicians perform lab testing.

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Why do I need lab tests?

Blood work and other lab tests can help your doctor diagnose certain health problems and monitor your overall health. These tests may also help guide decisions about treatment.

If you’re unsure why you’re having a specific test, it’s best to speak with your doctor. We’re happy to explain your test and give you information about how to prepare for it. However, only your doctor can tell you why the test is being ordered.

Why do I have to fast before my lab test?

It isn’t necessary to fast for all lab tests, but changes that occur during digestion can affect some test results. If you’re unsure if you should fast before your test — or for how long — ask your doctor or give us a call.

What should I do with my test results?

Lab results are viewable in MyChart or a paper copy could be obtained from Hospital Information Management (HIM). We send results to your doctor, and they become part of your medical record. However, it’s often wise to keep a record for yourself so you can compare future tests. If your test is abnormal or you have concerns about your results, it’s important to speak with your doctor directly.