woman drinking tea looking out window

Providence Substance Abuse Treatment

7765.3 miles away
Fax: 503-216-5529

Providence Substance Abuse Treatment

The Providence Adult Outpatient Substance Use Treatment Program offers intensive outpatient and outpatient treatment services for adults with substance use disorders.

We offer evidence-based treatment that encourages patients to take responsibility for their health and empowers them to develop their own solutions to the problems or challenges related to their use of alcohol and other substances. 

Our program serves adults whose drug or alcohol use is negatively impacting their lives.

  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling sessions, including groups specific to men, women, families, and those experiencing mental health concerns 
  • Training around coping skills, relapse prevention, mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness 
  • Urine drug screenings 
  • Oregon and Washington State licensed driver diversion/DUII and DWI prosecution programs, including treatment, court and state ordered drug screenings and educational services 
  • Our program is patient-centered and uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing

Your behavioral health provider may ask you to fill out some forms before your appointment. Click on the link or links below that apply to your appointment and download the forms you have been assigned.

Select from the following sections for forms to complete before your first appointment and forms to read and sign:


The following handouts are intended to be used by current patients participating in the Providence St. Vincent Substance Abuse treatment program and are for informational purposes only. These handouts should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health care or advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health provider with any questions you may regarding a medical and/or mental health condition. Never disregard seeking professional advice or delay seeking it because of anything you have seen on this website.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis, please contact emergency services or 988 immediately.

DUII Group