Man standing on a beach at sunset

Spiritual Care

7822.7 miles away
Fax: 818-847-3311
Mon - Fri: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. / Sat - Sun: 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. / On call After Hours and Holidays

Spiritual Care

Mon - Fri: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. / Sat - Sun: 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. / On call After Hours and Holidays

Through direct services, education and consultations, Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center offers spiritual care and support for all patients. While we are a Catholic organization, we truly believe in the importance of faith in healing and seek to serve the spiritual needs of all our patients and their loved ones – no matter their faith.

Educated Chaplains

Our spiritual caregiving team is composed of highly trained chaplains who provide confidential and nonjudgmental support to all individuals facing illness.

These men and women are educated professionals who understand how to apply their theological expertise to specific medical situations. Using their knowledge, they focus on helping patients understand the deeper spiritual meaning of suffering, sickness, health and wellness.

Faithful partnership

Committed to seeing that your faith, beliefs and values are honored while you are in our medical center, our chaplains serve as spiritual members of your health care team. They work in partnership with physicians, nurses, therapists and other health care professionals to complement their work.

Whatever your beliefs may be, chaplains are dedicated to empowering and supporting you in times of crisis. They serve as a resource and advocate for you in your search for inner peace. Chaplains offer spiritual guidance when confronting significant life situations, and are available to:

  • Empower you to draw upon the strengths of your spiritual resources
  • Listen respectfully to your personal story and reflect upon the meaning of life experiences
  • Contact your own pastor, rabbi, or spiritual caregiver at your request
  • Facilitate your celebration of the sacraments and rituals within your own faith tradition
  • Assist in the preparation of an advance directive
  • Provide spiritual and emotional support in times of crisis
  • Serve as a resource for ethical decision making
  • Assist you in your search for inner peace

Along with professional medical treatment, spiritual care services can provide much-needed support and peace of mind.

Led by our chaplains, our services include:

  • Spiritual and emotional support to patients and family members
  • Ministry to staff
  • Morning and evening prayer offered over the public address system
  • A chapel open for everyone as a place of quiet meditation and prayer
  • Catholic Mass, Communion Services and other seasonal worship services
  • The Sacrament of the Sick, Reconciliation and Communion available upon request
  • A Memorial Service, held biannually for loved ones of patients who have died
  • Special services, conducted in accordance with the seasonal calendar