senior woman holding up hand for nurse

Covenant Rehab Centers - NeuroRehab

Covenant NeuroScience Institute
6907.5 miles away

Covenant Rehab Centers - NeuroRehab

Covenant leads our region in offering advanced therapies for neurological rehabilitation. For patients recovering from a stroke, brain or spinal cord injury – or any other neurological condition – we place emphasis on fostering personal independence in a wide range of daily tasks and self-care.

Covenant offers a full continuum of neurological rehabilitation care from initial onset in acute care to outpatient rehab in Covenant Rehab Centers-NeuroRehab.

  • Cognitive retraining
  • Expressive and receptive language skills training
  • Muscle stimulation techniques
  • Bioness technologies for hand and leg therapy
  • Neurodevelopmental techniques
  • Activities of daily living
  • RT300 Electrical Stimulation Bike
  • Hand therapy
  • Pediatrics
  • Driving evaluation with simulator and on-road
  • Occupational medicine

One of the therapies provided at Covenant Rehab Centers - NeuroRehab, the Bioness Neuroprosthetic and Rehabilitation Systems for neurological recovery can make all the difference in the world. Allowing therapy to begin in an acute care setting just days after a stroke occurs, the Bioness system helps to provide valuable feedback to the central nervous system and synchronize functional muscle activity. Two devices are available for utilization at Covenant Rehab Centers: the Ness H200 for hand therapy, and the Ness L300 for leg therapy.

Ness H200 for hand therapy

The Bioness system uses Functional Electronic Stimulation (FES) to help patients regain lost mobility. When treatment begins, electrodes are placed on the skin’s surface to stimulate and activate affected muscles. Then the therapist programs the devices with a customized sequence of exercises. Once programmed, the Bioness systems send mild electric stimulation to the nerves that perform a particular sequence. This forces the affected areas to move in repetitive motions.

What are the benefits?

The Bioness system can help improve function and voluntary movement, increase range of motion, reduce stiffness, increase local blood circulation and prevent or retard muscle weakness in the affected region. It can also help the brain relearn how to use certain muscles and regain awareness of the impaired limb.

To help our patients who have lost all or part of their ability to move their legs, Covenant Rehab Centers-NeuroRehab offers the Restorative Therapies RT300 Electrical Stimulation Bike. This unique therapy tool uses functional electrical stimulation (FES) to help patients pedal a stationary bike.

How does it work?

When you are seated at the bike, your therapist attaches electrodes to the surface of your skin. The system then sends computer-generated, low-level electrical impulses to your legs, which cause coordinated contractions of your quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

Sensors provide constant feedback to a computer, which controls the sequence of muscle contractions as well as the resistance to pedaling. The result is smooth and natural pedaling, with your leg muscles supplying the power.

Who is a candidate for Electrical Stimulation Bike therapy?

Designed primarily for spinal cord injury patients, the Electrical Stimulation Bike can be used for anyone who has lost voluntary movement in their legs. New studies are addressing outcomes with stroke and other neurological deficits.

What are the benefits?

The Electrical Stimulation Bike can help:

  • Prevent muscle atrophy
  • Relax muscle spasms
  • Improve circulation
  • Increase range of motion