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Pediatric Urology

4.9   |  31 Ratings
7473.3 miles away
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Pediatric Urology

4.9   |  31 Ratings
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

If your child is experiencing urological or gynecological issues like bedwetting, urinary stones, genitalia issues or a urinary tract infection, we’re here to help. Pediatric urology is different from adult urology and can require different treatment. Our pediatric experts are here for children of all ages to diagnose and treat even the most complex urologic conditions.

If a surgical procedure is necessary, our surgeons perform minimally invasive procedures using state-of-the-art technology. 

Our pediatric urology team treats a wide range of issues related to children’s kidneys, bladder, ureters (urine tubes) and genitalia, including: 

  • Bed wetting
  • Blockages of the kidney or bladder
  • Daytime wetting
  • Hypospadias
  • Kidney stones
  • Recurring urinary tract infections
  • Testis and kidney tumors
  • Undescended testicles
  • Urinary reflux (urine going backward into the kidneys)
  • Varicoceles (dilated veins in the scrotum) 

Our urologists also treat pregnant moms with a prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis and do postnatal evaluations as well as newborn circumcisions. 

You and your family will always have the highest level of dedicated care for your child’s urologic or gynecologic issues. No two children are alike, and every diagnosis is as unique as your child. Our urological team will create a plan of healing for your child's specific needs and be with you through every stage of treatment and recovery. 

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