Hip Replacement Information

Unlike the posterior or lateral approach, the direct anterior approach allows a clear view of the pelvis allowing near-perfect anatomic restoration of leg length and optimal positioning of the hip placements components.

By decreasing the risk of postoperative dislocation, reducing soft tissue damage, accelerating recovery, and minimizing the possibility of nerve damage, direct anterior hip arthroplasty solves many of the major challenges and complications created by traditional hip replacement techniques.

Are Hip Precautions Necessary?

Because the surgery is performed without violating the hip’s posterior structures, the risk of dislocation is substantially reduced, making hip precautions unnecessary and offering patients much more freedom of movement after surgery. The muscle-sparing anterior approach creates near normal stability postoperatively, allowing much faster rehabilitation and recovery: patients are immediately weight-bearing and are often discharged the next day.  

Fewer patients require a cane or walker after surgery and more patients go home directly rather than to a nursing home or rehabilitation facility. Activities such as swimming and bike riding are encouraged once the wound is healed.

It is not unusual to have a patient back at work within a week and exercising within two weeks. High impact activities such as running, skiing and tennis are restricted for 2-3 months postoperatively to allow bone ingrowth into the prosthesis.

Am I a Candidate?

The vast majority of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip are candidates for the direct anterior approach. The less-invasive procedure is appropriate for all age groups and can often be performed in overweight patients. Obese patients, those with complex hip disorders, or patients with prior hip surgeries may not be good candidates.

Implant Materials

While several new variations of traditional materials are available, an entirely new bearing surface for hip joints called OXINUM (Oxidized Zirconium) is creating superior durability and function. This patented metal alloy—a hybrid of ceramic and steel—improves the strength, smoothness and scratch-resistance of previous implants.

OXINUM addresses the two major concerns of hip replacements, wear and fracture, by offering patients the toughness of a metal implant with the wear-reduction of ceramic materials—while also avoiding the risks commonly associated with either material.