teen friends hanging out

Adolescent Residential Treatment Program

7926.3 miles away

Adolescent Residential Treatment Program

If your adolescent daughter has mental health issues, it can feel like she’s slipping away from you. Our Providence Adolescent Residential Treatment Program (PARTP) can help bring her back.

Each adolescent girl is different, with her own strengths and weaknesses. Our team of caring experts works with girls ages 12 to 17 and their families. We talk with you and your child to develop a plan that fits all of your unique needs. Families are essential to an adolescent’s mental health, and we include you every step of the way. In fact, we consider you to be the most important members of her care team.

Adolescence is challenging for any girl and having a mental health disorder can make it much harder. We help girls who are struggling with complex emotional trauma, which arises from ongoing and repeated exposure to emotional abuse or neglect. We also help with intergenerational trauma, which happens when the emotional impacts of traumatic events are passed on to future generations.

Our mental health experts also treat problems such as:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention-deficit disorder (ADD)
  • Depression
  • High-risk behaviors
  • Learning disabilities
  • Poor anger management
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Self-harm behaviors
  • Sexual and physical abuse
  • Thoughts of suicide

To make sure residential treatment is the right path for your daughter, we talk with her, your family and the medical professional who made the referral.

Relationships and healthy connections with other people are essential to mental health. Our care promotes healing by giving adolescents the skills they need to form meaningful relationships. This is called the relational model of care, and we provide a compassionate environment that promotes positive ways to engage with others.

Your daughter will have both individual therapy and group therapy, along with weekly family therapy. We also provide milieu therapy, which uses specific activities and social interactions that are keyed to your child’s emotional and relationship needs. We also offer a parent education group that meets on Tuesday nights.

Our program is designed to help girls recognize their own strengths and use them to heal. Your child will keep her connections with your family, her school and the community while living a safe, nurturing environment.

We aim to help your daughter step away from the behaviors that interfere with a healthy lifestyle. Our program teaches and supports adolescents in forming healthy coping skills, but we go further than that. We also encourage friends, schoolmates, family members and others in your daughter’s life to grow and change.

We can treat 10 students and their families at once. Treatment typically lasts 12 months.

We help adolescent girls who have been in inpatient treatment who may also benefit from residential treatment. Outpatient therapists, probation officers, social workers from the Office of Children Services and other mental health professionals can also recommend residential treatment. We will give you information about the intake process once your daughter has been accepted into the program.

PARTP is licensed through the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and The Joint Commission.

Our treatment team includes experts in all aspects of mental health care and education, including:

  • Chaplain
  • Consulting clinicians
  • Dietitian
  • Mental health specialists
  • Psychiatrist
  • Social workers
  • Teacher 

Your child’s care will be individualized with input from her treatment team and her family. You can expect courteous and respectful care before, during and after treatment.

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