A woman who has cancer is embraced by her adult daughter.

Providence Cancer Center at Alaska Medical Center

When you or a loved one gets a cancer diagnosis, life can suddenly feel overwhelming. At the Providence Cancer Center, our team provides all the care, support and resources you and your family need – from treatment to survivorship – at one convenient location. We help you navigate your cancer journey every step of the way.

7926.5 miles away

Providence Cancer Center at Alaska Medical Center

When you or a loved one gets a cancer diagnosis, life can suddenly feel overwhelming. At the Providence Cancer Center, our team provides all the care, support and resources you and your family need – from treatment to survivorship – at one convenient location. We help you navigate your cancer journey every step of the way.

7926.5 miles away

Our Approach

Expert care and everything you need in one place

As Alaska’s only comprehensive cancer center, we provide all aspects of outpatient cancer care and support services. From the most advanced treatments, including clinical trials to patient navigation and rehabilitation – all in a warm welcoming environment. Your cancer care team answers your questions, helps you understand your treatment options and works with you to create a personalized care plan for your body, mind, and spirit. We support you every day so you can focus on getting better.

In addition, for your comfort we offer valet parking services and have an easy access patient drop off area.

Your care team

At Providence, you receive care from a multi-disciplinary, integrated team. This means you get access to the combined skills and experience of many health care professionals. Cancer specialists who may be involved in your care include:

  • Advanced care providers – physician assistants, advanced registered nurse practitioners
  • Certified oncology nurses
  • Chaplains
  • Clinical dietitians
  • Genetic counselors
  • Oncology doctors and specialists
  • Palliative care specialists
  • Patient navigators
  • Physical therapists
  • Radiologists
  • Surgeons

Find a Doctor

At Providence, you'll have access to a vast network of dedicated and compassionate providers who offer personalized care by focusing on treatment, prevention and health education.

Expert cancer care

Your care team includes a range of oncology specialists including doctors, dietitians, patient navigators, genetic counselors, physical therapists, spiritual care providers and more.

Everything you need in one place

One-stop care for cancer patients and their families pairing state-of-the-art technology and medicine with a highly personalized team approach-all close to home.

heart in hands icon
A full range of services

We provide all aspects of outpatient cancer care under one roof including; chemotherapy, radiation oncology with the only CyberKnife in Alaska, genetic counseling, physical therapy, and support services.

Services and Resources

Every patient is unique, and the treatment and therapies will depend on the type of cancer you have, its characteristics and your overall health. Your preferences and treatment goals are also key factors.

Your care team may recommend one or more of the following treatments and therapies available at the Providence Cancer Center:

  • Radiation oncology: With our extensive state of the art technology options at hand, our certified radiation oncologists together with other highly skilled experts develop treatment plans unique to each patient.
  • Alaska CyberKnife Center: The CyberKnife system provides painless, precise and high-dose radiation therapy to treat many different cancers.
  • Lee Sheffield Infusion Center: Our certified oncology nurses skillfully administer biotherapy, blood products and chemotherapy. Before starting a new treatment, our on-site pharmacist will explain the medications and answer any question.
  • Pediatric infusion: Our nurses are specially trained to administer infusion therapy to little ones, older children and teenagers. We offer a comfortable, soothing environment, and we’ll keep you informed every step of the way.
  • Clinical trials: The National Cancer Institute sponsors most of our trails, which are the same research studies that take place at other top cancer centers.
  • Surgery: Providence Alaska Medical Center offers a wide range of surgical services, from traditional to minimally invasive procedures using leading-edge sophisticated technology.
  • Naturopathic therapy: Our naturopathic oncology specialists provide integrative cancer support for patients undergoing cancer treatment and those who have completed it.
A full range of services that complement treatment

Treating your cancer is not only about treating the disease; it is also about supporting you as a whole person – body, mind, and spirit. At the Providence Cancer Center we offer support services that can help you through every part of your journey from diagnosis to survivorship and beyond.

  • Financial counseling: Our financial counselors can help you verify insurance benefits, ease your concerns about a payment plan for treatment and obtain outside help if needed. 
  • Genetic testing and counseling: Cancer can be inherited. When it’s hereditary, results can guide treatment and management. Genetic testing results may impact targeted medical treatments, such as
    • Surgical decisions
    • Chemo/targeted therapy decisions
    • Clinical trial enrollment
    • Identifying an inherited cause can guide testing and screening of at-risk family members
  • Nutrition counseling: Good nutrition is important during cancer treatment and recovery. Cancer and cancer treatments can affect the way your body tolerates certain foods and uses nutrients. Our Registered Dietitians specialize in cancer nutrition and are here to help. They work closely with you to set nutrition goals and advise ways to achieve them.
    • Oncology Cooking Class: This is a free interactive (virtual) cooking class to learn nutritional and delicious recipes for you and your loved ones throughout the cancer journey. Every participant will receive recipe cards with ingredients and directions before each class. Registration is required. Classes meet every first week of every month from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Register online at Providence.org/CancerCookingClass
  • Oncology rehabilitation and lymphedema services:  Improve and enhance your quality of life during cancer treatment and beyond through a prescriptive exercise rehabilitation program at the Providence Cancer Center. Our licensed physical therapists have extensive experience and training in oncology rehabilitation and will guide you through the program. You are welcome at any time—from initial cancer diagnosis through recovery and survivorship.
    • Be Fit- Gym: Focus on wellness through strength and aerobic conditioning in a fitness survivorship program monitored by the Providence Oncology Rehabilitation team. Each session is limited to six participants maximum. All participants must have participated in the Oncology Rehabilitation program and be cleared for attendance. Registration is required.
      • Mon – Fri with two sessions available each day
      • Morning session from 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
      • Evening session from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
      Daily passes are $5, or you can purchase a punch card worth ten sessions for $50. Register online at Providence.org/AKGymClass.
    • Be Fit- Yoga: Join us for a virtual hour of gentle chair yoga for cancer survivors. Classes are free and supported by the Providence Alaska Foundation. New participants must complete a virtual intake and waiver form. Registration is required. Classes meet every Tuesday of every week from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Register online at Providence.org/AKYogaClass.
    • Lymphedema Risk Reduction Class: Learn more about lymphedema risk reduction practices and treatment techniques with this free education class offered by the Providence Cancer Center and the Providence Alaska Foundation. Classes are presented by a certified Lymphedema Therapist. Registration is required. Class meets on a quarterly basis. Register online at Providence.org/AKLymphedemaClass.
  • Palliative care: Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with serious illness. As partners with your established healthcare team, Palliative care specialists focus on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of illness. The goal of palliative care is improving you and your family’s quality of life.  
  • Patient navigation services: Our Patient Navigators are medical professionals whose clinical expertise help guide patients and their caregivers through the health care system. Our goal is to assist you in completing your cancer treatment. We can provide you with the information you want and need to understand your diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • Spiritual care: Professionally trained and board-certified chaplains are available to help you and your family with any emotional or spiritual aspects of your treatment. We respect the cultural and spiritual diversity of all our patients. 

After patients complete treatment, our survivor resources provide programs and support to help patients stay healthy and tackle the physical and emotional challenges that come after treatment.

Many support services are available free of charge thanks to the Friends of the Providence Cancer Center and generous support from our community. You can access many services no matter where you receive treatment.

  • Breast Cancer Boutique: Funding provided by a grant from the Alaska Run for Women. The Providence Breast Care Boutique offers a private prosthetic fitting for mastectomy, partial mastectomy and lumpectomy patients.
    Patients are eligible to receive free post-mastectomy or lumpectomy products on a one-time basis.
    • One free post-surgical camisole
    • One free prosthetic bra
    • One free prosthetic
    Call 907-212-6870 with questions or to make an appointment.
  • Breast Cancer Support Group: The Providence Cancer Center’s breast cancer support group connects cancer patients with others for shared support, understanding, and resources. A Cancer Navigator facilitates each group to create a confidential and safe place for all members. Registration is required.
  • Walter J. and Ermalee Hickel House: For patients and their families who live outside of Anchorage, offers comfortable, affordable on-site housing while they receive medical care Providence. 
  • Wig Boutique: Services are available to all patients undergoing cancer treatment and experiencing hair loss. Schedule an appointment for a free wig-fitting consultation with a Providence Cancer Center Navigator/Volunteer. One-on-one consultation include: 
    • One free wig per patient
    • Finding a wig that fits your style
    • Tips and suggestions on using wigs, turbans, and scarves
    Call 907-212-6870 with questions or to make an appointment.

Cancer Screening and Prevention

Even if you’re healthy, cancer screenings are important. Cancer can impact anyone at any age, but finding cancer early increases survival rates. Despite this evidence, too many individuals for whom cancer screening is recommended remain unscreened.

It’s important to understand your risk of cancer, how you can reduce your risk and when you should get screened.

Learn more about screening and preventive measures for various types of cancer

doctor reviews results with patient

Educational Videos

  • ABCs of Clinical Trials

    Covers what clinical research is, how to participate in a clinical study, and the importance of clinical trials.

  • Advancements in Breast Cancer Treatment

    Review new developments in chemotherapy and immunotherapy, advancements and progress in cancer clinical trials, and reducing the risk of lymphedema.

  • Alaska Lung Cancer Screening

    Sharing of data of lung cancer in the state of Alaska and an update on the 2021 screening guideline changes.

  • Colorectal Cancer Prevention Conversations

    A discussion on the importance of early detection of colon cancer through screening, exploring carious screening methods, addressing barriers to care, and the future of multi-cancer early detection blood-based tests.

  • Integrative Oncology Care

    Discussion on a naturopathic perspective on integrative oncology care.

  • The Genetics of Cancer Care

    Learn about the unique characteristics of inherited cancer risk, the role of genetic counseling in navigating this information and incorporating it into the lives of patients and their families.

  • Palliative Care - The Medicine of Human Connect

    A discussion on the type of medical care palliative care offers and the goals of improving quality of life during cancer treatment.

Why Choose Us for Your Cancer Care?

At Providence, we see the life in you. We know how important family celebrations and special occasions can be. Together let’s finish cancer so you don’t have to miss any of these moments.

We know that every patient is unique. No two patients – or their treatment plans – are alike. This is why we take a highly personalized approach to cancer care, and we always put our patients first. Our expert clinicians work with you to develop a specialized treatment plan that fits your and your family’s needs, because we know this results in the best outcomes.

As our patient, you and your loved ones are supported by an entire care team throughout your treatment journey. Our board-certified medical oncologists use the most advanced techniques in your diagnosis and treatment. They work closely with an extensive team that includes nurse navigators, specialists and other caregivers who provide a range of support services – from prevention and education to nutrition, integrative medicine and counseling.

Learn more about the experts who make up our multidisciplinary cancer care teams.

Cancer doesn’t discriminate, but access to great cancer care hasn’t always been the same for everyone. At Providence, we are deeply committed to making sure every patient we treat has access to the best cancer care. We value, respect and support the racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual and spiritual identities of each member of our diverse communities, and we never turn a patient away. Instead, we work harder to make sure every patient is treated equally and with dignity – whoever you are, and wherever you're at.

When you become a patient at Providence, you become part of a collaborative cancer-care network that often exceeds national measures for patient outcomes. This network includes award-winning physicians, scientists, researchers and caregivers across 51 hospitals in seven states. The power of this network, combined with the expertise of your local team, means you’re getting the best, most compassionate care. And if you need to meet with a specialist outside your area, we’ve got telehealth technology to help. Our network is one of the reasons 50,000 newly diagnosed cancer patients choose Providence each year.

Providence cancer research provides options, and hope, for patients seeking advanced procedures and therapies. We’re proud of our long history of pioneering clinical trials, research and evidence-based therapies. We established the first cancer-care center west of the Mississippi. We also have over 90 years of radiation research. Among other groundbreaking firsts: We led the international trial of the first immunotherapy to be approved for patients with melanoma, as well as the first successful gene-engineered T-cell therapy for metastatic pancreatic cancer. As a Providence patient, you have the opportunity to participate in – or benefit from – the 1,300 new clinical trials that begin each year.


Providence Cancer Center is nationally accredited by the Commission on Cancer (CoC), a quality program of the American College of Surgeons. The CoC Accreditation Program provides the framework for the Providence Cancer Center to improve its quality of patient care through various cancer-related programs that focus on the full spectrum of cancer care including prevention, early diagnosis, cancer staging, optimal treatment, rehabilitation, life-long follow-up for recurrent disease, and end-of-life care.

When patients receive care at a CoC facility, they also have access to information on clinical trials and new treatments, genetic counseling and patient-centered services, including psycho-social support, a patient navigation process, and a survivorship care plan that documents the care each patient receives and seeks to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life.

Additionally, the American College of Radiology has designated the Providence Cancer Center as a Radiology Oncology Accredited Facility. This accreditation is recognized as the gold standard in medical imaging, helping assure our patients that we provide the highest level of image quality and safety by meeting requirements for equipment, medical personnel and quality assurance.

Our Stories

Everyone is affected by cancer. Some are fighting it; others are supporting the fight. We listen to your stories and gather strength from your determination to finish cancer.

  • Logan
  • Brook and Ella
  • Tom and Eric
  • Terry and Sawyer
  • Jennifer