Doctor talks to patient in office

At the Heart & Vascular Center we offer state-of-the-art invasive and non-invasive diagnostic procedures to aid in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of possible heart disease.

Our services include:

  • EKG - An electrocardiogram is a painless test that evaluates the electrical activity of your heart. It uses electrodes attached to your chest, arms and legs
  • Echocardiogram - An echocardiogram uses sound waves to create pictures of your heart. It can tell doctors about your heart’s size, structure, movement, and valve function. A transthoracic echocardiogram is done with a probe that emits soundwaves that’s placed over your chest or abdomen. We can also do a transesophageal echocardiogram. This is a similar test that uses a special probe we place down your esophagus. It gives us a clearer picture of the heart than a traditional echo.
  • Cardiac MRI - Cardiac MRI creates pictures of your heart with radio waves, magnets, a computer and sometimes, a special dye. It can help identify heart problems and give doctors more information if another test finds abnormalities
  • Nuclear Cardiac Imaging - A nuclear stress test uses a radioactive material to evaluate blood flow in your heart at rest and while you’re exercising. This can tell us if you have heart disease. 
  • Cardiac CT Scan - Cardiac CT takes multiple X-rays of your heart and puts them together to create three-dimensional images. Sometimes we use a special dye to make things easier to see. This test can help us evaluate your heart’s aorta, valves, arteries and more.
  • Blood Work - Cholesterol screenings and other outpatient lab work
  • Chest X-ray - X-ray imaging to check for congestion of the lungs and to detect an increase in the size of the heart.
  • PET scans 
  • Myocardial Perfusion Scans