A trauma doctor examines a patient.

Level II Trauma Center

7954.9 miles away
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Level II Trauma Center

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The specialists at the Level II Regional Trauma Center at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital provide the high level of care you need when you are critically injured. We are the only Level II trauma center serving Marin, Mendocino, Napa and Sonoma counties.

From emergency room care through rehabilitation, you get quality, life-saving treatment when you need it most. Our trauma team works with you so you can return home to your community and regular activities.

The trauma team at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital includes highly trained trauma surgeons, trauma nurses and ancillary staff.

Our trauma center provides 24/7 specialty care, including:

  • Cardiothoracic surgery
  • ENT (ear, nose and throat) services and surgery
  • General surgery
  • Maxillofacial surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopedic surgery
  • Plastic surgery
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Trauma surgery
  • Urology services
  • Vascular surgery

There are key elements of an effective Injury Prevention program aimed at reducing the incidence of traumatic injury in the Sonoma County community. The elements are:

  • Identifying the primary causes of injury and death in Sonoma County
  • Identifying the root causes and contributing factors
  • Use proven, data driven and evidence-based programs
  • Partner with civic organizations such as law enforcement and County programs

Most traumatic injuries are the result of falls in the elderly (65+), and motor vehicle collisions with either other autos, or pedestrians and cyclists.

Falls prevention is our top priority whether you are in the hospital or at home. One out of three older people fall each year, but less than half tell their doctor. It is important to remember this because falling once doubles your chances of falling again. Many people may be unaware of potential falls hazards within their home and should sign up for a Fall Proof class. Visit the Petaluma People Services Center website for more information.

For more information about our initiatives or questions, about upcoming training, please email the Injury Prevention Coordinator.

Current 2021 Injury Prevention Initiatives

A Matter of Balance Logo

Injury Prevention and Trauma Services are partnered with the Area Agency on Aging for an initiative to study and reduce the incidence of falls in the elderly. Providence awarded a grant to the Agency to promote a nationwide evidence-based program called Matter of Balance, which had already been in the community for more than 15 years. The program provides at least 16 hours of training over 8 weeks to reduce the fear of falling and learn falls are controllable.  Discussions in are in small groups to provide a safe environment to learn about reducing fall risks at home, exercises to improve strength and balance, and behavior modification. The natural outcome of the training is awareness and fall reduction. The collaboration with the Area Agency on Aging is focused on providing more classes based on the data where falls happen most.

Vision Zero Logo

Knowing motor vehicle collisions are a major mechanism of traumatic injury, we have partnered with the County’s Vision Zero program. The Vision Zero project couples the Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Sonoma County Department of Health Services to create a healthier, more sustainable community for all residents in Sonoma County.  Another nationwide data driven and action-oriented program, Vison Zero develops strategies to study and reduce fatalities on County roads. Through shared resources, Vision Zero has recently publicized a Dashboard showing locations on a county map where injuries and fatalities have occurred. Pedestrians and cyclists are disproportionately at risk on county roads and driving under the influence is the leading cause of traffic fatalities. Vision Zero will work across municipalities to reduce roadway speed and improve signage and enforcement.

Stop the Bleed Logo

After many nationwide mass shootings, the Department of Homeland Security and the American Trauma Society promote a short but effective training program stop hemorrhagic bleeding. Similar to CPR training, Stop the Bleed teaches the average by-stander to become an immediate first responder to intervene in a hemorrhagic injury. The program teaches the participant to recognize potentially fatal bleeding, and effectively and safely use a tourniquet and dressings to stop bleeding. The Injury Prevention team teaches the training throughout the community, in schools, sporting clubs, law enforcement, and many other organizations.