Cancer Care at Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital

When you have cancer, you need people to care for you, guide you through your options and help you find strength, courage and peace. This is the kind of care you’ll find in our nationally acclaimed Cancer Care program. We use advanced screening and diagnostic techniques to learn the extent of your cancer. Then we create a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Once a week, a team of specialists meets to review your case and offer unique insights and advice. We offer the very best possible care, every step of the way.

4.9   |  306 Ratings
7955.4 miles away
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cancer Care at Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital

When you have cancer, you need people to care for you, guide you through your options and help you find strength, courage and peace. This is the kind of care you’ll find in our nationally acclaimed Cancer Care program. We use advanced screening and diagnostic techniques to learn the extent of your cancer. Then we create a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Once a week, a team of specialists meets to review your case and offer unique insights and advice. We offer the very best possible care, every step of the way.

4.9   |  306 Ratings
7955.4 miles away
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Meet the Team

At Providence, you'll have access to a vast network of dedicated and compassionate providers who offer personalized care by focusing on treatment, prevention and health education.

With our Cancer Care program, you’ll receive care from highly skilled experts, including:

  • Clinical research professionals
  • Genetic counselors
  • Medical oncologists
  • Nurse navigators
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Oncology registered nurses
  • Patient navigators
  • Pathologists
  • Primary care oncology physicians
  • Radiation oncologists
  • Radiologists
  • Rehabilitation specialists
  • Sponsorship physicians
  • Surgeons

During your cancer treatment, we offer personal services and practical advice to help reduce stress and make your life a little easier.

These services include:

  • Financial counseling
  • Interpreter services
  • Palliative care
  • Pastoral care
  • Patient navigation
  • Rehabilitation programs
  • Support services
  • Survivorship care
  • Wellness programs
Often, when you're faced with life-altering news, like receiving a cancer diagnosis, it makes you view everyday moments a bit differently. Watch the inspiring stories of some of our own oncology staff and patients.

Patient Stories

  • Adriana
  • Tim
  • Natalie
  • Robert
  • Cancer Genetics
  • Charlene
  • Medical Oncology
  • Radiation Oncology

Why Choose Us for Your Cancer Care?

We know that every patient is unique. No two patients – or their treatment plans – are the same. This is why we take a highly personalized approach to your cancer care and we always put our patients first. Our expert clinicians work with you to develop a specialized treatment plan that fits your personal needs, because we know this results in the best outcomes. And, of course, you receive the cutting-edge treatment and compassionate care Providence is known for.

As our patient, you and your loved ones are supported by an entire care team throughout your treatment journey. Our board-certified medical oncologists use the most advanced techniques in your diagnosis and treatment. They work closely with an extensive team that includes nurse navigators, specialists and other caregivers who provide a range of support services – from prevention and education to nutrition, integrative medicine and counseling.

Learn more about the experts who make up our multidisciplinary cancer care teams.

Cancer doesn’t discriminate, but access to great cancer care hasn’t always been the same for everyone. At Providence, we are deeply committed to making sure every patient we treat has access to the best cancer care. We value, respect and support the racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual and spiritual identities of each member of our diverse communities, and we never turn a patient away. Instead, we work harder to make sure every patient is treated equally and with dignity – whoever you are, and wherever you're at.

When you become a patient at Providence, you become part of a collaborative cancer-care network that often exceeds national measures for patient outcomes. This network includes award-winning physicians, scientists, researchers and caregivers across 51 hospitals in seven states. The power of this network, combined with the expertise of your local team, means you’re getting the best, most compassionate care. And if you need to meet with a specialist outside your area, we’ve got telehealth technology to help. Our network is one of the reasons 50,000 newly diagnosed cancer patients choose Providence each year.

Providence cancer research provides options, and hope, for patients seeking advanced therapies. We’re proud of our history of groundbreaking firsts and pioneering clinical trials: Providence led the international trial of the first immunotherapy to be approved for patients with melanoma. We conducted the first successful gene-engineered T-cell therapy for metastatic pancreatic cancer. And we have over 90 years of radiation research. As a Providence patient, you have the opportunity to participate in – or benefit from – one of over 1,300 new clinical trials that begin each year.


We are proud to see our dedication to our patients recognized by the most well-respected programs and institutions in the United States. Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital has achieved the following recognition:

Doctor with senior patient smiling appointment
The Power of Our Network

Part of Providence Northern California

For over 100 years, our patients throughout Sonoma, Napa and Humboldt counties have been at the heart of everything we do:

  • On a mission to improve outcomes for each and every one of our patients, we partner with cancer research organizations to provide you with the highest-quality care.
  • Our Round Barn Cancer Center in Santa Rosa offers patients leading-edge clinical trials.
  • Our nurse navigators can help you find transportation and low-cost temporary lodging if you need to travel for treatment.

Learn More About Providence Northern California

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Are you looking for a clinical trial for yourself or for a patient? We’d love to help you find one!

Senior woman looking hopeful as she gazes out window